
  • Agevolazioni fiscali: bonus e novità 2021

    Tax breaks: bonuses and news for 2021

    From the furniture bonus to the water bonus, there are still many benefits provided for 2021 by the new Budget Law. In 2021 it will be possible to take advantage of the renovation bonus for extraordinary maintenance of buildings or building renovation; mobile bonuses; green bonus and water bonus, new this year. But let's see specifically what it is.

  • Agevolazioni IVA

    VAT concessions

    VAT benefits: what they are and how to take advantage of them. Regulation 127, redevelopment, 4, 10, 22, are just some of the words and numbers that pop up as soon as you google "VAT benefits". It is necessary to clarify. The bathroom furniture sector is one of the possibilities for purchases with reduced VAT. Below, we report the cases, how and on what it can be applied.


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